In the Equus Coaching world, we use a model called the Seasons of Change as a way of looking at how people move through changes in their lives. Using the cyclical nature of the 4 seasons helps us to understand that life is moving in a way that makes sense, in both our i...
Community is something that we all need and want. Like horses, humans are herd animals. When I first went through Equus Coach Training in 2011, I didn’t really have what I would consider a strong community. I knew there was something missing, but I...
Things ChangeAnd the mind doesn’t like it. Even if the changes are positive, there is safety, mind believes, in doing what it’s always done. When I’m moving toward something exciting and new, I notice I often get very scared. Lots of beliefs come up...
It’s finally Spring, which means most of us are getting back outdoors and looking forward to spending more time in nature and with our horses. April is also Earth Month, and in recognizing the importance of taking care of the planet, we rounded up a few compelling...
This year, we tried on a new look and feel as an organization. The Center for Equus Coaching (CEC) has a new name and new branding, but at its core, has maintained the same culture, values and people that make the Equus Coaching community so valuable and unique. In...