Susan Dahl-Robertson

Susan Dahl-Robertson

Susan Dahl-Robertson, MA is a Certified Equus Coach, Master Certified Career & Life Coach, Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and the founder and owner of BE: The Art of Life. With over 15+ years of coaching and counseling experience,Susan offers a unique blend of customized coaching experiences for individuals,small groups, leaders and organizations. Her specialties include work & career,leadership, team building and strengths coaching. She is most passionate about helping people discover and embrace their unique strengths, purpose andauthentic leadership style.
Susan finds Equus coaching to be one of the most powerful coaching methods for her clients. She loves partnering with horses to help her clients experience deep transformation. With horses as the guide, clients discover new ways to lead their lives with passion, creativity and clarity, taking their work and personal lives to the next level.

United States
The Center for Equus Coaching