Melanie Bates

Melanie Bates

Melanie Bates is a Book Shaman, a Life & Equus Coach, and a Nondescript Heathen, but above all, she’s a Writer.

Her “10,000 hours” in “applying ass to chair”, obtaining a B.A. in Creative Writing, along with an M.F.A., and devouring thousands of books, spawned her Book Shaman practice where she has helped New York Times bestselling authors to “transmute fuzzy thoughts into language people can understand.”

In addition to wielding her “red Sharpie” in helping folks to write books, Melanie trained with Martha Beck as a Life Coach and later became an Equus Coach to help creatives to bust through their resistance to creating what their hearts long for and to then be willing to be seen out in the wider world with those creations.

Melanie lives in the Wild, Wild West with her menagerie of four-leggeds.

The Center for Equus Coaching