Becca Flint

Becca Flint

Becca’s kindness, thoughtfulness and an easy-going presence imbues all she does. She is honored to support other people on their journey through their own transformation and invites you to this – “We need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable”. It's the foundation of her own life and journey. Holding on to past wounds and shame for far too long prevented her from living a FULL life. She has learned that working towards full transparency in herself leads to growth and positive changes. She relishes the opportunity to help others stretch their spirit, creating change from habits or patterns no longer serving them. She understands that as humans we want to be truly known and to truly know others; and this requires knowing ourselves. That very thing happens when we step into a round pen with a horse. Becca serves online and in person clients.

San Diego
The Center for Equus Coaching