Field Trip to Personal Wholeness

A Series of Tele-Classes & Coaching Sessions

facilitated by Koelle Simpson, Michael & Lynn Trotta, Jennifer Voss, Boyd Varty, and Ashley Jansen

To start out, here are a few general resources that you are likely to reference frequently. We have put these at the top of the page for easy reference!

* Class Welcome & Overview
* Meet Your Facilitators

Questions? Email


CLASS 10: Sit Spot and Nurturing Your True Nature

taught by Michael & Lynn Trotta Class Topic:  Sit Spot and Nurturing Your True Nature Class Overview Audio 1 – Sit Spot & The Art of Inner Tracking Audio 1 – Transcript Audio 2 – Sit Spot & The Art of Inner Tracking Worksheet (completion required for prerequisite credit)

CLASS 11: The Nature of Storytelling – Playing the Part of Your Life

taught by Boyd Varty & Ashley Jansen Class Topic:  The Nature of Storytelling  – Playing the Part of Your Life Class Overview Audio 1 – The Nature of Storytelling Audio 1 – Transcript Audio 2 – The Nature of Storytelling Worksheet (completion required for prerequisite credit)

CLASS 12: Cultivating Presence and Stillness

taught by Ashley Jansen, Jennifer Voss & Koelle Simpson Class Topic:  Cultivating Presence and Stillness Class Overview Audio 1 – Cultivating Presence & Stillness Audio 1 – Transcript Audio 2 – Cultivating Presence & Stillness Worksheet (completion required for prerequisite credit)

CLASS 13: Shaping and Supporting Community

taught by Koelle, Michael, Jennifer, Boyd & Ashley Class Topic:  Shaping and Supporting Community Class Overview Audio 1 – Shaping & Supporting Community (There is no transcript for Class 13.) Worksheet (completion required for prerequisite credit)

CLASS 4: Patterns as the Foundation of Life in the World of Form

taught by Koelle Simpson & Jennifer Voss Class Topic:  Patterns as the Foundation of Life in the World of Form Class Overview Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Part 2: [embed-responsive ratio=”16by9″] [/embed-responsive] Audio 1 – Patterns as the Foundation Audio 1 – Transcript Audio 2 – Patterns as the Foundation Worksheet (completion required for prerequisite […]

CLASS 5: The Nature of Archetypes and The Human Blueprint

taught by Michael & Lynn Trotta Class Topic:  The Nature of Archetypes and The Human Blueprint Class Overview Pre-Class Handout Audio 1 – Nature of Archetypes Audio 1 – Transcript (unedited) Audio 2 – Nature of Archetypes (class review) Worksheet (completion required for prerequisite credit)

CLASS 6: Myth, Mischief, and Meaning Making

taught by Michael Trotta & Ashley Jansen Class Topic:  Myth, Mischief, and Meaning Making Class Overview Audio 1 – Myth,  Mischief, and Meaning Making Audio 1 – Transcript Audio 2 – Myth, Mischief, and Meaning Making Worksheet (completion required for prerequisite credit)

The Center for Equus Coaching