2024 Fall Equus Coach Training

Welcome to Equus Coach Training! This webpage will be a location where your class materials, assignments, and audios will be posted. Please use the resources on this page to help you stay organized and turtle step your way through your Equus Coach Training.


General Resources & Assignment Summary

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Welcome to the online course materials! This webpage will be a location where all of your class materials, assignments, and audios will be posted. Please use the resources on this page to help you stay organized and turtle step your way through the Equus Coach Training experience. To start out, here are some resources that […]

Zoom Login Information

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Currently, all calls are scheduled to take place on Tuesdays at 10:00am PT/ 11:00am MT/ 12:00pm CT/ 1:00pm ET Most calls will be roughly 90 minutes in duration. If you are unable to make a call, no need to worry.  They will all be recorded and links posted below within 36 hours of class. The […]

Recommended Reading

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Recommended reading for Equus Coach Training:  Review: ICF Core Competencies ICF Code of Ethics  Center for Equus Coaching Code of Ethics Watch: Brene Brown 2010 TedX Houston:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4Qm9cGRub0&t=9s Jill Bolte Taylor: My Stroke of Insight TedX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU&t=219s Read: Daring Greatly or Dare to Lead by Brene Brown Whole Brain Living by Jill Bolte Taylor Optional Reading: Complete Horse […]

ECC Assignments – Ethics

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As you listen to the audio, listen for the answers to these questions. Submit your answers in the Google worksheet link below. Audios for Ethics Intro to Ethics, Agreements, and the Rhythm of a Coaching Session (35 minutes) Intro to Ethical Decision Making Model (8 minutes) Google Worksheet Link: Ethics & Professional Responsibility

ECC Resource – Lameness Labs

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Given a horse’s four limbs and a variety of different strides of movement and speed, lameness in a horse is not always obvious. As an Equus Coach it will be extremely important for you to be able to identify a lame horse so that you can ensure that the horses you work with are healthy […]

ECC Resource – Equine Care & Management

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Even if you never plan to own a horse, as an Equus Coach you will be working with horses from various facilities and stables. It is important to know the basics of equine care and management so that you can work with your or others’ horses respectfully. Moreover, horse owners will be more likely to […]

ECC Resource – Review of the Equine Skeleton

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Horses have evolved from the size of a small dog to a large diversity of breeds. Familiarizing yourself with the underlying bony structure of the skeleton can help you understand how a horse disperses its weight and what a well-balanced body conformation looks like. This in turn can help you understand if you are working […]

ECC Resource – Demos

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Below are demonstration videos demonstrating different Equus Coaching exercises and helps guide you through some of the more technical aspects to help you communicate using the non-verbal language of equus. Videos in this section: Round Pen Demonstration (14 minutes) Video Handout: Round Pen Demo – Illustrations and Diagrams Instructional Video for Halter Exercise (26 minutes)

October 1, 2024 – CLASS 2: Trust, Safety, and Vulnerability

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Live Class Topic: Trust, Safety, and Vulnerability Class Outline Class Audio Recording Pre-work Watch these two TEDX videos before class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvmsMzlF7o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psN1DORYYV0 Download the PDF Daring Greatly Reading guide here and answer the questions on Page 1. Review the Student ECC Participation Agreement that you signed upon enrollment and have it available during class.

Oct. 31-Nov.03, 2024 – Equus Coaching Training Onsite 1

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We can’t wait to meet you in person! Schedule The workshop days are all-day events. Please don’t book your flight out on the afternoon of either of our last onsite days! Plan to take an evening or red-eye flight, or better yet, plan on departing the following day so you don’t miss anything! Thursday, October […]

April 3-6, 2025 – Onsite Training Workshop #2

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Live Class Topic: Group Mentoring 5 and 6 – Observed Coaching with Feedback We can’t wait to see you again! Schedule The workshop days are all-day events. Please don’t book your flight out on the afternoon of either of our last on-site days! Plan to take an evening or red-eye flight, or better yet, plan […]

July 29, 2025 – CLASS 25: Setting Up Your Sessions

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Live Class Topic:  Setting Up Your Sessions  Class Outline Sample Agenda and Worksheets: Exercises for Equus Coaching Sessions Equus Coaching Sample Prework Individual Sample Friends and Family Letter Sample Facility Agreement 1 Sample Facility Agreement 2 Release Form Examples Class Recording

November 13-16, 2025 – Onsite Training Practicum Review

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Live Class Topic:  Live Group Mentoring – Observed Coaching with Feedback We can’t wait to see you again! Schedule The workshop days are all-day events. Please don’t book your flight out on the afternoon of either of our last on-site days! Plan to take an evening or red-eye flight, or better yet, plan on departing […]

The Center for Equus Coaching