Rebekah Powell

Rebekah Powell

Rebekah Powell is a Certified Equus Coach and #1 award-winning songwriter.

As a songwriter and coach, she explores the power of storytelling to unlock deep presence and authentic self-expression. Over the last decade plus, she has hosted workshops on creativity, mentored writers and artists, and co-facilitated quarterly team-building keynotes on the art of collaboration for a Fortune 100 company.

In addition to certifying with the Koelle Institute, she has completed continuing education courses on nature-based coaching, crafting ceremonies, boundaries, and understanding trauma. Additionally, she has studied mindful self-compassion with Drs. Kristin Neff and Christopher K. Germer and completed 4 years of coursework at the Institute for the Work of Byron Katie, a meditative tool that supports people in identifying and transforming negative beliefs.

When working with clients, she believes each individual is his/her/their own best teacher, and my goal as a coach is always to be a channel of love and service, creating a safe space for her clients to experience self-love, acceptance, and joy.

United States
The Center for Equus Coaching