Nancy J. McKay

Nancy J. McKay

I have been sober since March 2009 and an ovarian cancer survivor since 2015. Because of these life challenges, I became acutely aware that life is short, and there was no time to lose to follow my dreams. I changed course at the age of 60 to create a life filled with purpose and passion and became a Certified Wayfinder Life Coach in 2019 and a Certified Equus Coach in 2020. The training I received from Koelle and her team has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. My work with the horses has enriched my life beyond measure. My clients gain a deeper perspective as we challenge old beliefs and patterns and replace them with practices and tools that empower them to achieve their desires.
Come see what the horses can help you overcome!

United States
The Center for Equus Coaching