Leslie Vanderpool

Leslie Vanderpool

Leslie helps individuals connect to their own insightful, creative, and powerful truth. It is her deep belief that you have within you everything you need to live a deeply satisfying life. It is not a matter of adding something else. It is a matter of connecting to ourselves.
With the gentle and often playful feedback that horses provide, you will begin to see that you are enough in the moment. Patterns and clarity will emerge that allow you to choose what you want to create both personally and professionally in your life. Leslie and the horses create an environment of acceptance and compassion that makes room for a fun and transformative experience.
Leslie is a Certified Equus Coach, as well as Certified Life Coach, a Certified TRE Facilitator (Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises), and holds a Master in Social Work degree.

United States
The Center for Equus Coaching