Katherine Winny

Katherine Winny

An Equus coach, Catalyst life-coach, motivational speaker and former lawyer. A horsewoman for over 25 years, Kat combines her two greatest passions in life transforming experiences. Having left an intense corporate environment, Kat reflected on the common themes found in the corporate world and the impact these have on the people within. Kat was inspired to extend her  practice to corporates, acknowledging the effect that miscommunication, stress and mismanagement can have between colleagues and with clients. Kat works with individuals and corporates and loves creating bespoke experiences. Kat ensures all her sessions are engaging throughout and fully tailored to the client.  Combining her natural empathy with a range of coaching skills, Kat is able to get quickly help clients identify the root causes of what might be holding them back from their full potential and uncover the positive changes needed.

United Kingdom
The Center for Equus Coaching