Janine Davis

Janine Davis

Janine’s an Executive Coach/Facilitator for VC-backed startups & high growth companies, spanning large global organizations to early-stage startups in various industries. She’s a former CIO/CTO and spent 20 years in People Operations.

She’s passionate about nature-inspired leadership, allowing the wisdom of animals and ecosystems to inspire leaders. She brings leaders into nature with horses, wolves and wild animals in Kenya. These unusual experiences allow people access to nonlinear thinking, which can quickly yield insights and realizations, the birthplace of new behaviors. She’s trained in neuroscience and understands the emotional and physiological processes required for sustainable change. She’s been a horse person since she was very young, and is thrilled to partner with these incredible animals to deepen transformation in her clients!

Other certifications: ICF MCC, Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, Enneagram in Business, EC Master Facilitator Certification in process.

Los Angeles
The Center for Equus Coaching