Diane Brockett Eissler

Diane Brockett Eissler

Diane is a Life Coach with a passion for connecting horses with people. She believes the relationships formed with authenticity yields healing energy for all in a very unique and powerful way. She provides a safe, nurturing space in which her clients move through playful and sometimes challenging exercises to open their hearts to more realization of self.
In the Heart - Horse work, tears and laughter often surface as discoveries are made! Old stories and patterns may come up with a moment 'these don't really serve me any longer!' Ofttimes new pathways are considered and lives become more peaceful.
In addition to Equus Coaching, Diane raised two accomplished daughters , had a successful career of 35 years in education, is a Reiki Practitioner and is currently a student of The Trust Technique.
She is affiliated with Spirits Promise Horse Rescue as a Life Coach, Facilitator, and Program Organizer. She is also available for other venues and individual and small group work at stables and private facilities.

New York
United States
The Center for Equus Coaching