Carla Wytmar

Carla Wytmar

A life-long city and country girl, Carla has a profound affinity for the outdoors and a basic need to be near water. For her life is about experiences, taking chances, and forging real connections. Alongside her 30+ year career in the food & wine industry, she's a certified sommelier, a certified relationship coach, and a certified Equus Coach® facilitating interactions with horses that allow one to turn their attention inward to genuinely restore connection with themselves and their instinctive inner wisdom. In addition to horses, she adores dogs, her 5-iron, a 28-gauge (for sporting clay & skeet shooting), tennis, sailing, fitness, live music, and photography. An athlete and an adventurer, she’s climbed high, run far, sailed seas, and jumped from perfectly safe planes and bridges. Ever curious, compassionate, and courageous, Carla embraces opportunities which stretch herself to learn and do better. She invites you to join her to illuminate your power within the mirror of a horse. You can reach Carla by emailing

The Center for Equus Coaching