Lynne Webb

Lynne Webb

Hi! I'm Lynne. I help clients experience, embody, and enjoy their life in an aligned and authentic way.
As an Equus coach, I offer a delightful and healing opportunity to tap into the unspoken language and energy that connects us. Feedback from a horse is immediate and non-judgmental, always in support of authentic connection and communication.
Clients are astonished that a brief session can illuminate subconscious, unhelpful patterns preventing you from living a whole and fulfilled life.
In your session, you will:

  • Cultivate awareness, presence, and connection.
  • Identify unhelpful patterns and make immediate, intentional shifts.
  • Transform your relationship with yourself and your world.
  • Confidently navigate the world from a more genuine place.
  • Make decisions with ease grounded in deep internal wisdom.
  • Thoughtfully respond with grace rather than react.
  • Develop and explore your innate leadership skills.

No previous horse experience required.

Orange County
United States
The Center for Equus Coaching