Ricky Riepe

Ricky Riepe

Ricky Riepe is a certified Equus Coach® from the Center for Equus Coaching. Alongside coaching, he currently works as a zookeeper at the Bronx Zoo in New York. He holds a B.S. in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences from Oregon State University. Along with his wildlife studies, he is a certified yoga instructor, transformation specialist, and animal flow instructor where he invites awareness to the body-mind connection.

Horses and biodiversity have had a significant enlightening influence on his life and guided him toward his own well-being. His studies have centered around understanding wildlife and nature and working from the wisdom of the heart and body to discover how their distinct ways of being are beneficial in our own lives.

Nothing brings him greater joy than observing horses in their brilliance and watching individuals gain insight to move towards greater alignment and awareness.

New York
The Center for Equus Coaching