Anna Kerckhoff de Sacchi

Anna Kerckhoff de Sacchi

Hello, I am Anna, Equus Coach and Coach for the Work of Byron Katie as well as a Monty Roberts certified instructor.

I learned and worked with Koelle Simpson at Monty Roberts Farm in California. Later I assisted her in different workshops in South Africa.

I have made my love and passion for animals and people, for learning and teaching, for feeling and living from the heart my profession. Ever since I can remember, the magical energy of horses has touched me.

I live with my husband Claudio, who is a veterinarian, our two sons Joshua and Nicolas, 6 horses, 5 dogs, and 1 tomcat in the beautiful Algarve in Portugal near the pretty village of Barão de Sao Joaõ.

I am offering retreats and individual coaching with Equus Coaching.

Barão de Sao Joaõ
The Center for Equus Coaching