From Fear to Trust

Erin Cutshall
January 2022

LD (Little Dog) and Link
Owner: Jennifer Voss, Instructor

LD’s primary job is to patrol the house for squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies, birds, or anything else that he can sniff out. He might be little in size, but he is big in persistence. Link is my grand-dog who moved in last summer. He would rather be in my lap than bothered with hunting.

Owner: Travis Stock, Instructor

Lolli is a 5 year old Persian that my partner and I rescued just over a year ago. Don’t let the grumpy face fool you, she’s cuddly and quite easy going (except for when being brushed) and even puts up with her twice-a-day, asthma control inhaler. She had a big task ahead of her when joining our family — converting me from someone who previously claimed he wasn’t a cat person — and proved me oh so wrong by claiming a significant spot in my heart.

Stubbie & Maia Rey
Owner: Renee Sievert, Instructor and Continuing Education (CE) Coordinator

Stubbie is our 3-legged wonder cat. He was a feral cat at my Dad’s house in New Mexico. (He was named by our Nephew). We gained his trust, bathed him, and took him to his first Vet visit. That week, in 2011, he and my Dad came to live with us in San Diego.

Owner: Kasia Roether, Instructor

Here is Saba, my beloved yellow lab. 14 years of companionship, friendship, fun, and adventures. She was with me for better and worse, always faithful and always present. After she left this life I could never bring myself to get another yellow lab because I knew I would look for her in every dog. Until… she visited me in my dream and told me that I will find her again in a shelter. One day I will have another yellow lab in my life as Saba promised me.

The Center for Equus Coaching